The Power of Counsel – Music Pro ATX

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” – Michael Jordan.
Music Pro Atx is a counsel of music wisdom.
Watching the Netflix series “Chef’s Table”, each highlighted chef recounts a moment that literally changed their life. A moment that began the success they currently have. While I have not achieved the success I want, there is no doubt in my mind that today will be looked back upon as a defining moment. I have now only to implement the wisdom put before me. Today, I listened to Music Pro Atx.
Upon their announcement, I made it known to Cristal Jordan and Vincent Beall that I was at their service. Whatever they needed from me, I was here for them. This genuine offer was not made from a mindset of “I have this to give.” It was made from the standpoint of I wanted to be a contributing part of their success. I want my photography to help them.
So it was this in mind that I met with them. I have known Vincent for over 3 years. He has always been a wealth of information. I only knew Cristal via Jake and even then I never had any conversations with her. Neither had she with me. After our introductions we got down to business. For the next three hours, my mind was blown by their advice and wisdom to me on how I could make my newly released magazine and my website better. I needed to brand myself with a message. Many more helpful bits of information and advice were laid out before me. There was no fluff. It was the dose of reality I needed. I came home feeling like I had just been given a yeat long Master’s course in a three hours. Music Pro Atx is a full package of vital help. It is a full package.
I have just hired a consultant, Jeff Brown – the Photographer’s Mentor. I am very eager to get to work with him. My meeting today with Music Pro Atx was the framework, the reality of the music environment I needed to see for me to maximize the forthcoming advice and strategies I will be working on.
I am not a musician but I am here to support them. To do so, I have to be functioning correctly and on all cylindars. Music Pro Atx is the fuel additive I needed. Between them and Jeff Brown, look out. Great things are ahead.
You cannot do it alone. You need the wisdom of others. Listen to me musicians. Music Pro Atx is for real. They are all about you. I met with them today to see how I could be of service to them. Instead, they were of service to me.
Proverbs 15:22
Without counsel plans fail,
but with many advisers they succeed. (ESV)
Awesome! We can’t wait to see the fruits of your efforts!!