Understanding – It brings us together.

There are two easy ways to begin to understand another’s culture, eating their food and llistening to their music. I photograph musicians.
Seven Pillars comes from the Seven Pillars of Wisdom in Proverbs 8: 12 – 14. They uphold the foundation of my belief concerning the world. We can only make the best decisions of life if we view and understand the world through lenses with a Godly focus. I believe this so much that I have named my company after it. These pillars, Prudence, Knowledge and Discretion, Fear of God, Sound Counsel, Sound Wisdom, Understanding, and Power are my filters I try to view the world through.
I have been given the gift of photography. I have chosen the challenging world of live music performance to execute and share. You amazing people called musicians need to be known and honored. This is my quest. Seven Pillars is the structure I will use to draw attention to local live music performance. I would like to talk about the sixth pillar, Understanding.
The two of the easiest means to understand another’s culture is to eat their food and listen to their music. Either may or may not appeal to you but just the appreciation of it goes along way towards creating a dialogue. Only by having a dialogue in which we listen to understand rather than to respond will we create a cohesive society that seems lacking, so distant. Music can be a tool.
Sunday, May 26, 2024, I arrived to Lampkin Pavillion Rosewood Park to enjoy and photograph, Latinapalooza. I have been trying to capture more of the Tejano world of music. Austin is a vibrant city of musical talent. I have tasked myself with displaying all aspects of the “Live Music Capital of the World.”
I listened to a variety of Tejano music. Despite the style there was one thing in common, people danced. Young and old put themselves before us and moved their bodies enjoying the moment. There were no concerns. I saw a culture that is vibrant. I saw a culture that is proud of its heritage and freely wants to share with others. Yesterday, I took a step closer to understanding.

Peter Gabriel is one of my music hero. One of the reasons I enjoy his music is his ability to find an instrument from a different culture and blend the instrument’s nuances with his style. The result is the creation of something new. This blending, while maintaining the purity of each identity, is how Austin will become the “Music Creation Capital of the World.” We have the talent.
Tequila Rock Revolution is an example. The blending of Mariachi and Rock. It is incredible. I captured them November 1, 2023. It was an amazing performance. There needs to be more of this or I need to become more aware. I want to understand the music of all cultures.
May 25, 2024, I eagerly went to see Bull-diego Avello of Bull y los Bufalos. His performance was a gathering of his friends to joining him to play and sing his songs. His website describes his music as, “A Sonic blend of Texas blues-rock, and a hint of Spanniard flare.” This was an incredible, powerful, and meaningful performance. This was memorable. This was an experience. He is a man who, like others, took the road less travelled. This night gave me energy I needed. This night reminded me of the reason I am in this environment of music, to understand and create.

In 1994, I read a book titled, “What Color Is Your Parachute?” There was an exercise given. You were to write down ten action verbs, “To….” that you enjoyed or wanted to do. You then boiled it down to two. Mine were “To Learn and To Teach.” Every job I took I viewed from this focus and if my tasks were not easily fitted then I tried to cram the square peg into the circle. Ups and downs but these to “wants” were always on my mind. In 2001, I went to work for a medical software company learning their proprietary software and teaching others how to use it. Until March 8, 2024, this is what I did.
In 2008, I began to feel the need to have other guiding influences. I enjoyed my work but wanted something different. I went through the same exercise and came up with, “To Understand and To Create.” I shortly realized afterwards that both guiding forces had an input and an ouput. To Learn was the input, To Teach was the output. To Understand is the input, To Create is the Output. This blew me away. So I began to find activities that would satify this new quest. Both sets of guiding forces were present in my work life until 2024. Now, the latter is my dominating focus. Where do I find myself in life? Trying to Understand the music world and trying to Create art through my photography, a most exciting adventure.
You are a gift to this world. You have knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that others need to hear. This is the basis for SEVEN, my magazine about the greater Austin Music Environment. I want others others to understand. Armed with this understanding, create. Go listen to a variety of local live music. Let’s understand. Let’s create the unity we are so desperately needing. Music is a means to do so.
I challenge you to go and listen to at least two or more live music performances of musicians and their style of music that you have not have otherwise done so. Do this for a few months. Then come back to this post and tell me about it. Already doing so? Then please tell me. Share your experience with me and others.

I appreciate learning where the name “Seven Pillars” comes from! Thank you for sharing your story and your gift with the world!
Your presence at live music events reminds the outside world that art is still being made! Creators are still creating! Thanks for sharing!