“There’s so much music in Austin, and it’s all so different.” – Gary Clark, Jr.

My Obligation to You.

June 3, 2024

“A photograph captures and freezes a moment of time. A good photograph captures and holds one’s attention. A great photograph allows the viewer to interpret the moment.” – Michael Wright

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The Third Pillar – Fear of God

May 30, 2024

To respect others, we must respect something greater than ourselves.

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Understanding – It brings us together.

May 27, 2024

There are two easy ways to begin to understand another’s culture, eating their food and llistening to their music. I photograph musicians. Seven Pillars comes from the Seven Pillars of…

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The Tolerance of Inadequacy

May 25, 2024

If you went to a restaurant and ordered a meal that was given to you under-cooked then there is no doubt that you would request a replacement. A return trip…

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The Power of Counsel – Music Pro ATX

May 22, 2024

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” – Michael Jordan. Music Pro Atx is a counsel of music wisdom. Watching the Netflix series “Chef’s Table”, each highlighted chef…

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The Value of You

April 30, 2024

May 24, 2024. SEVEN will be released. The First magazine that allows those who make Austin the “Live Music Capital of the World” tell their story. Each quarter, musicians, promotors,…

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Imagine – It is Hard to Do

March 28, 2024

John Lennon was not wrong, “Imagining” is easy to do but it less likely to be engaged because everything is being forced before us. Movies show rather than insinuate. We…

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You are a story worth telling.

March 26, 2024

“That edge, where artists are always transforming chaos into order, can be a very rough and dangerous place. Living there, an artist constantly risks falling fully into the chaos, instead…

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A.I. Must Be Minimized

March 19, 2024

A.I.’s entry into the music world is here to stay. It is too late to try to stop but it is not too late to minimize its importance.

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The End/The Beginning – Chasing a Dream

March 8, 2024

We all wish we could enter major decisions on our terms but life never obliges.

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