“There’s so much music in Austin, and it’s all so different.” – Gary Clark, Jr.

A woman with blue hair singing into a microphone.

Shelley Mier – An inheritance of talent.

October 29, 2023

I first met Shelley Mier at an open mic held at Parmer Lane Tavern. For me these open mics are a great opportunity to capture musicians that I would not…

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A man and a woman posing for a picture.

Judi Hopka – Austin’s Music Cheerleader

October 28, 2023

September 11, 2020, as everyone who has read my first book or seen postings was the day that my path in life was redirected, my photography adventure had began. This…

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A man in a black hat holding a microphone.

The Crafting of Excellence – My Thoughts

October 26, 2023

In his quote about Excellence, Ralph Marston said: “Excellence is not a skill, it’s an attitude. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a…

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A group of people playing music on stage.

Joe Fladger – Nothing Else Needs to be Said

October 26, 2023

December 2022, I am standing against a wall at 3Ten for Jelly’s Christmas bash. We are between bands. The room is packed. A man approaches me and says something. I…

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A man playing drums in a dark room.

Ernie Welter – He took a walk down 6th Street

October 24, 2023

I first captured him playing with a group called The Scoundrels, on September 18, 2020, at Emerald Point Bar and grill. We didn’t get a chance to talk. November 6,…

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A man playing an acoustic guitar in front of a microphone.

Josh Smith – He got his wish.

October 23, 2023

September 18, 2020, was my first encounter with Josh Smith. He was and continues to play acoustic with Van Wilks. I next saw him with Van at Iron Wolf Ranch…

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A woman playing a red guitar in front of a microphone.

The Workout known as Ruby Dice

October 22, 2023

September 21, 2020 at the Sagebrush Austin was my first encounter with Ruby Dice. She has been a photographic challenge since then. The simple fact is this woman moves and…

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A group of people singing and playing guitars.

Chris Berardo Trio – A New Display in the Music Museum of my Mind

October 22, 2023

The music museum of my mind grows each week as I discover “New to me” musicians. Saturday, September 21, 2023, another painting of excellence is being prominently displayed. The harmony…

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A man playing a guitar in front of a microphone.

The Original Mark Chandler is Back.

October 21, 2023

I first encountered Mark Chandler January 15, 2021 at Parmer Lane Tavern. It was a quick pop in, one of several that night, on my multi-venue night. I heard and…

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A group of people playing music in a bar.

TGBAD – A Solid Foundation of Entertainment

October 18, 2023

Throw a dart at any Friday and I will predict with 100% accuracy that between the hours of 6pm – 7:30pm, The Saxon Pub will be packed with people dancing.…

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