Baraja de Oro

Broadening Is Important

Years ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I became the manager of a store. My taste of music, at that time, was heavy metal and rock. As a manager, I was expected to play all genres of music for our customers. Years of doing this allowed me to appreciate all genres, even though some I did not prefer. To this day, though I tend to listen more to specific genres, I still appreciate all genres.

Living in Austin, Texas, the “Live Music Capital of the World,” I am able to photograph musicians of all genres, even though Blues/Rock are dominant. This effort I do try to make. Yesterday, I furthered my exploration and enjyoyment of Tejano music. This style of music is prominent here but is still regionalized to certain segments of the city. I hope to be a vehicle of expansion.

For almost four years, I have been photographing local Austin musicians. I have been wanting to photograph Tejano musicians but have struggled for one reason or another.

I believe that an appreciation for different genres of music makes it easier to understand and tolerate the differences of people. You do not have to like or agree with them but appreciate they have the right to have their differences. Unfortunately, in the current environment, a civil debate will only occur if the parties agree.

Life is too short to expend energies trying to force conversions of others. All should have an understanding and respect of each to hold differing views. Listening to genres of music that we would not normally do is part of the solution towards building a foundation to understanding and respect. It alone is not enough but it is an easy start.

I am hopeful that my photography will give positive exposure to all who have chosen this “less travelled” path of life. I am hopeful my photography initiates an action, otherwise not taken, towards exploration.

“The greatest discoveries have come from people who have looked at a standard situation and seen it differently.” – Ira Erwin

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