Ray Kainz

Capturing, Displaying, Preserving, and Telling the Story of You

“Your image is fundamental in shaping your identity as an artist and plays a crucial role in building your brand. It serves as the visual representation of your music, personality, and values, crating a distinct identity that fans can relate to and recognize.”Why Your Image Is Important In Music – Global Sound Group – Music Promotion Specialists

Most musicians latched onto music at an early age. They had to do it. So began the musician’s investment of time. An investment that many allow daily to be tarnished with a poor capturing and presentation of their image. Seven Pillars Photography is your tool to create, enhance, and protect that image.


The smartphone has created an environment that is saturated with photographs, all competing for the attention of a viewer. Many are of poor quality. Being on stage, you have little to no control of who takes and displays these captures of you. Over time, your image becomes defined by these poor presentations. This is why you need to protect your image with high quality photos that will minimize and nullify the impact of the multitude.

Seven Pillars offers two vehicles. Studio and Live performance photography. Utilizing my Nikon D780, I have only one goal, to capture the image of the story that is you. Your efforts to perfect your craft cannot be seen unless high quality photographs are taken and displayed.

Bo Luna


Though social media postings are fleeting, they do have the ability to either enhance or degrade your image, especially if they are shared. It is impossible to prevent such postings, but it is easy to combat.

Besides providing you with high quality photos, Seven Pillars deploys the power of its website and publications. Only photos that display the “best of you”, i.e. honor you will be displayed.

Art Tigerina


Memorable moments are difficult to find in social media. Seven Pillar’s website and publications not only chronicle, but forever preserves your history, your legacy, in the local music environment. Your message, your story, must be communicated correctly to stand the test of time. Seven Pillar’s Focus on You will Capture and Preserve the Story that is You.


Who knows you? Who sees you? On stage you command the audience’s attention. How do you communicate to those who did not attend? Your stage presence is one tool. Creating an experience that commands an attendee to share with others is your goal in your performance.

It is only part of the solution. Having high quality photographs of your performances displayed in a popular medium can spread your story to areas outside the local environment. SEVEN – is that medium. SEVEN is the only magazine that tells the “Story of You.” An attendee’s memory will be available to share many months and years afterwards.

The Story of You

You have worked hard at your craft. You share your gift with all who will listen. Are people reading about the real you? Are they seeing images that attract them to want to know more about you? The “Story of You” is too important to allow smartphones to manage. Why receive minimum return on your investment?

Seven Pillars is the vehicle to transport your image to heightened levels of attention by correctly communicating the “Story that is You” with high quality photographs and professional display in popular viewing mediums.

Click Here for a free consultation.

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