“There’s so much music in Austin, and it’s all so different.” – Gary Clark, Jr.

Capturing, Displaying, Preserving, and Telling the Story of You

July 19, 2024

You have invested much to perfect your craft. Protect it with high quality images taken with the Focus on You.

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Broadening Is Important

July 17, 2024

Experience more by listening to different genres of music.

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Are There Too Many? (Pt. Two)

July 10, 2024

Are you or the venue a distraction from the music you are playing?

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They are an Incredible Story

July 4, 2024

Ray Prim, A very good decision made.

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Are There Too Many? (Part One)

June 28, 2024

The trauma of decision making. – My brain hurts.
The comfortableness of the “same.” – I am bored.

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Who/What is to Blame? This is the Wrong Question!

June 24, 2024

Determing the “How” and “Why” will give us answers but will it gives us solutions? Only if we ask new questions. In 1989, I went to work for Xerox Corporation.…

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You Have to Attend to Experience

June 15, 2024

Local live music is an experience like no other. The connection with the audience and musicians become cherished memories.

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Your Story Has Value.

June 13, 2024

We are all exceptional. We all have wisdom, knowledge, and experiences that, when shared, helps others.

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Prudence – The First Pillar

June 12, 2024

“Prudence is the footprint of Wisdom” – Amos Bronson Alcott If Prudence is a footprint, then this means it is an assessment made by others during or after an action…

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My Obligation to You.

June 3, 2024

“A photograph captures and freezes a moment of time. A good photograph captures and holds one’s attention. A great photograph allows the viewer to interpret the moment.” – Michael Wright

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