The Sound of Austin is…..
Does the Greater Austin area have a sound that, when heard, one would say, “I hear Austin.” The answer is, “Yes.”
Excellence is not a skill, it’s an attitude. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence -Ralph Marston
The documentaries: Sound City, The Wrecking Crew, Laurel Canyon, and Muscle Shoals highlighted a uniqueness of sound that could only be found in those areas of the country. If you wanted ‘that sound’ then you had to go to that city to record and musicians from around the world did just that. Having watched these, last year, I began to wonder if Austin had a sound. Something distinctive that, when heard, one could say, “Yes, I hear Austin in it.” This quest got put on the backburner as I dived into another revelation, the resurgence of Austin Music.
It was not until the interview that I had on Fox 7 in the morning that the subject came up again. I admitted that I had not “discovered” this sound. I highlighted that I agreed with Vincent Beall’s comment that Austin was like the “Baskin Robbins” of music. Though on the backburner, this question has been ever present in my mind. Sunday, November 27, 2022, I got my answer. I will now present my case and evidence for the proclamation about to be made. Austin does have a sound.
The diverse and versatile talent is amazing. Many musicians play multiple instruments and play in several bands of differing genres. If a drummer or a guitarist cannot make it for an event the pool of talent to pull from is deep. There is a supportive element that has been talked about and I have witnessed. Musicians from other cities have highlighted, to me, that such does not exist in the cities they have come from. I am constantly hearing stories of musicians who had to come to Austin. But understand, effort is required.
Joe Giordino said it best:
To any musician moving here, come prepared and willing
to work hard to gain a good reputation.
That is what I am constantly witnessing, a preparedness that so easily translates into quality music thus resulting in a fantastic experience for the audience. I have never witnessed a half-hearted attempt, ever. Whether for one or many, paid event or benefit, these amazing musicians of Austin deliver. Last night was beyond deliverance. It was an experience that made me shudder at the thought of missing it. Had I not been there I would not have experienced this amazing night. I would not have interacted with the many musicians that were not on stage but in the audience supporting the cause. Thankfully, I was there and affirmed the following quote by Jay Maisel:
If you are out there shooting, things will happen for you.
If you’re not out there, you’ll only hear about it.
The experience started high and never faltered but the intensity grew each hour. Knowing the end was nearing, each group played as if it was their last performance. If they were to not awake the next morning, then they would be known for this performance. This photographer came home and could not go to sleep. I didn’t want to. This morning my wife listened to me as I recounted the previous hours. My soul was not only touched, it was energized. The resurgence had reached a new level. A level of playing that I know is not unknown to them. They have been here before. Last night, they allowed me to participate. To witness that which is Austin.
So, what is the sound of Austin. It is not a set of distinctive chords or type of music. It is a quality that is ever present and taken with them when they travel to other cities, as I witnessed in Chris Duarte playing in Tulsa, Oklahoma just a few days prior.
The sound of Austin is………