The Hypnotic Voice of Tommy Elskes
The overused phrase of “Angelic” does accurately describe the soothing, hypnotic voice of Tommy Elskies. Thus I use it.
I first heard Tommy Elskes and the Bayou Kings June 2021 at the One-2-One club. I only heard the last three songs because my focus was on the band to play afterwards. The incredible sound I heard immediately drew my attention. After their session was over I went to Tommy Elskes, I had never met him before. I told him that he had an incredible voice.
I next heard him the following December at the Saxon Pub. I fell in love with his music. He and his band take a song and make it theirs. Eight Miles High, California Dreaming, and Salisbury Hill are theirs as far as I am concerned. His concerts are a mixture of covers and originals. No matter what they sing, Tommy will always end with my favorite song, “Life is a Journey.” This song impacted me on December 7, 2021. As I described in my book, “Resurgence”, I had entered the Saxon with a heavy heart. The music of Tommy Elskes and the Bayou Kings, lifted me out of my mood and soothed my soul. I have been a fan ever since.
I saw him again Sept. 2022 and knew I had to bring my wife, Emily with me the next time. Last night, Dec. 6, 2022 was the next time. She loved them. They have a “funk” as she called it. I agreed and was overjoyed that I could share this with her. That is one of the magical features of music, it can be shared.
The experience of live music cannot be duplicated by watching on a television screen or listening on the ipod. It has to be physically felt. One has to feel the notes pass through their body and their ears have to absorb the words in an environment of presence. This is the only way to truly experience; to have your total attention dedicated.