Violet Lea – The Authentic Lea

For months I had been told to go see Madam Radar and on March 21,2021 at The Far Out Lounge my first opportunity occurred. It was their first public appearance since Covid. I have been hooked since. This event has a special memory for me, I met Violet‘s mom and was given specific instructions of how to photograph her daughter. Her dad, “The Bear”, was also present.
The following year, when the Saxon Pub opened, I learned she was a member of the all female group PAACK. Whether it is Madam Radar or PAACK, Violet plays a mean bass. I have not had very many conversations with her but I can state, from watching her, that she is a talent, a funny person, and, most importantly a beautiful person.

So let’s let Violet tell her own story. Five questions I asked.
1. Who is Violet Lea?
Just a nerd from Texas who discovered early on that music and art are really the only things in that life that bring me joy. I can’t make a living playing video games (I’m not good enough) so music will have to do 😂

2. Tell me about your current projects.
I’m truckin’ along playing in both Madam Radar and PAACK whilst crocheting and enjoying other hobbies on the side.

3. Give me your interpretation of the Austin Music Scene of the past, present, and your hope for the future.
Past- I haven’t really been here long enough to say but I definitely have mad respect for the many legends that have come through this city.
Present- I think the music community here is really United and am grateful for organizations such as HAAM, the SIMS foundation and Sonic Guild (formerly Black Fret) for providing us with such amazing support, as well as the photographers such as yourself that take the time to come out and capture the music.
Future- I just hope the community continues to grow, the more artists that springboard off this city the better off I think it is for everyone.

4. A.I. and music, your thoughts.
I’m not really a fan of A.I.- the little old lady inside of me wants to whip my cane around and shoo it off my lawn but I’m also not threatened by it, if it’s something an artist can use for inspiration then more power to them. I do believe the authenticity of an actual human brain making art will rise to the top. (But no offense to my future AI sentients that may eventually take over the world and try to come after me later)

5. What is the question you are never asked? ⬅️
That question right there. I’ve never been asked that question before.

Love Madam Radar and Lea. Great questions and I love the concept!
She’s an outstanding songwriter and vocalist as well as instrumentalist. She brings a lot to the Madam Radar table.