Ray Prim – Voted Playboys sexiest Musician?

He is a musician that I have only had a recent introduction musically. All I know of him is that he is a phenomenal musician, singer, and songwriter who keeps me in stitches with his Facebook posts. On stage, his humor is part of his appeal. “Breathe In, Breathe Out” constantly runs through my mind. It is hypnotic and very entertaining. Let me turn this post over to Ray.

1). Who is Ray Prim?
Son of Computer Programmer. Born and raised on the East Coast. I like slow women and fast cars. Songwriting is a huge passion of mine but it does not define me. I don’t like small talk or long hugs. I can come off as stand offish when you first meet but that’s just because I suck at small talk hence me hating it. I’m not as funny as I think I am but I do have a sense of humor that people tend to gravitate towards so I’ve been able to stay relevant for a minute more than I probably should have. And last but not least I’m probably the worst guitar player to have ever sold out the Stateside at the Paramount. I am Ray Prim

2). What are your current projects?
I’m the CEO, songwriter and HNIC of Ray Prim LLC. I mix and produce my own records and some time mix and produce other people when they are brave enough to let me. The brave people that have taken a chance on me are Erica Michelle, Sidney Scott, Tom Meny and Chris Taylor. Oh and Lucas. I can’t remember his last name.

3). Give me your interpretation of the Austin Music Scene of the past, present, and your hope for the future.
The Austin music scene in the past was lucrative and had a community like atmosphere. The Present is unprofitable and lonely. I don’t really think about the future anymore.

4). A.I. and music, your thoughts.
I have no problem with A.I. If it weren’t for A.I. there would be a lot of out of tune singers on records nowadays. People invest in the artist. Ai isn’t going to replace that aspect of music. At least not in my life time I don’t think.

5). What is the question you are never asked?
Why are you so damn good looking?