Rob Schumacher – Confirmation about Drummers!

He confirmed what I always suspected about the early beginning of drummers, pots and pans. Okay, nothing shocking or new but I can check that off my list of things to know about musicians.
It is September 25, 2020, I am at Emerald Point Bar and Grill to photograph LC Rocks. I had been told that this band was great. I arrived early, as is normal for me on most cases. Soon thereafter, Rob, whom I did not know at the time, arrived and began to meticulously unpack his drums and set them out before the stage. He then began to take them on stage and set them up. He, like most drummers are the first to arrive and I suspect one of the last to leave.
Drummers have been and continue to be difficult to photograph. Lead singers moving about in front of them, and just when you have a line of site its’ the bass or guitar player placing the neck of their instrument in front. All of this in addition to all those cymbals. But somehow, I manage to pull out a shot or two. Rob has and continues to be an interesting capture. I am happy to have captured these words from him.

1). Who is Rob Schumacher?
Rob Schumacher is a well accomplished drummer residing in Austin, Texas. An Army brat who spent most of his early years growing up overseas in Germany and Belgium. As a young child he was always interested in all types of music and genuinely drawn to the drums. He could easily be found sitting on the kitchen floor beating pots and pans while his mother made dinner. He was gifted a Smurf drum set for Christmas at 3 years old. (a toy drum set that lasted barely 2 weeks, was later set up by trash to be properly disposed of.) Dividing his attention between music of all genres in the early to mid-eighties (gravitating to such artists as Queen, Prince, Guns N Roses, Motley Crue, Metallica, RUN DMC and The Beastie Boys)
By 1990, Rob found himself stateside as his dad was stationed in Fort Knox Kentucky. While attending middle school and having the opportunity to join the middle school band. His uncle, (an Austin drummer who attended UT in the early 1970s) had an old Ludwig drum set shipped to Kentucky if Rob maintained all A’s in band class. It was with that set of drums Rob played “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana when it was at the top of the charts at his 8th grade talent show. Getting to experience playing onstage and seeing the reaction from everyone in the gymnasium, he knew it was his calling. Moving onto high school, participating in marching, concert, and jazz band, while forming several original bands with his friends. As the 90s grew, he further explored his musical palette to several sub genres of punk/hardcore/ indie/ post punk while keeping up with the mainstream Rock/ Alternative/Rap and Pop artist. Being a teenager living between Louisville, Kentucky and Cincinnati, Ohio. Rob played for many original punk/Hardcore bands, recorded cassette demo’s and 7inch records while traveling on several tours during and after his high school ended. After a short stint attending college in Lexington, Kentucky he found it hard to manage band life, with college life. So, his attempt at “higher learning” at University of Kentucky had to be put on hold. Moving to Cincinnati, Ohio staying in apartments, then ending up couch surfing, it was time for a re-group and Rob joined his parents who were then living in a small town south of Dallas, TX.
While living in several parts of North Texas (Dallas, Fort Worth and Denton) Rob has played/recorded/toured the US and abroad with many bands and artists and is heard drumming on dozens of recordings. He has had the pleasure of working with Grammy winning producers and engineers, playing with local Dallas award winning bands, and had the opportunity to share the bill (opening or main support) for many national touring acts in genres ranging from punk/country/metal and Alternative. So basically, you’d have to look long and hard to find a stage in North Texas Rob hasn’t performed on. When not performing he was a music educator in high demand teaching at many music schools and at a local private High School in North Dallas.
By summer of 2013, due to personal and family issues, Rob was faced with a spur of the moment move to the Capital City, Austin, Texas. Within a week of touching down, Rob answered and ad on Craigslist to play in a professional cover band playing weekend nights on the famous strip known as 6th street. Playing in one cover band to the next while moonlighting in other original music projects, he was able to fast track his way in the Austin music scene. However, feeling maybe too much too soon. While, weekends being occupied playing around town, whether it it be weddings, 6th street or the seasonal corporate party, the week days consisted of interesting side jobs ranging from Bicycle assembly, auto parts courier or forklift operator. The thought of moving back to Dallas where his grassroots were still strong, was slowly lingering. As fate would have it, after looking at places to live in Dallas on the way back home to Austin he was informed that local heavy hitters LC Rocks was looking for a new drummer and Rob’s name was thrown in the hat. A song list was made and and secret live audition was had and by the end of the night Rob was the newest member of Austin’s premiere 80s Rock band LC Rocks. Before his debut show on an outdoor stage Halloween night 2016, he sent a message to the lead singer simply asking “Is this this the type of gig where I can bring the big drums?” As to where the singer replied “Always Bring the Big Drums.” A smile ran across Rob’s face as he quickly loaded up his van with his now popular Bonham inspired silver sparkle Ludwig drums with the 26/13/16/18inch dimensions, and the rest they say is history.
From then on the band has played many clubs and venues in Austin, constantly playing in and around Texas, has been invited to play high profile events across the US and even flew to Japan in 2017.
Even till this day Rob continues packing clubs and filling dance doors with LC Rocks and dividing time to play and record with original hard rock artists Roc Holiday and the East Austin Psychobilly outfit Lowdown Shaky Chill. His newest endeavor is drumming for Senseless Apprentice a Nirvana tribute, where the hard hitting, solid back beat style of Dave Grohl, is no easy shoes to fill but fits firmly in Rob’s wheelhouse.

2). Tell me about your project
LC Rocks: Austin’s Premiere 80s Rock cover band. A solid line-up of professional musicians with a history of playing around Texas for over 20 years. A studio album of favorites soon to be released, live and studio performance videos available on YouTube.
Roc Holiday: original hard rock with heavy guitar riffs, pounding drums, powerful vocal’s, complete with multiple harmonies and memorable choruses. Full length album on Spotify and iTunes, an ep of singles in the works, plus theatrical videos on YouTube.
Lowdown Shaky Chill: A Texas psychobilly thrash trio. It’s a feeling that is Lowdown, complete with hollow bodied Gretsch guitars and a thumping Upright bass. Videos available on YouTube.
The Southern Rollers: A chunky slab of brisket, drenched in lukewarm Lonestar, served over a trailer park fire. Life ain’t easy when you’re greasy, so keep on Rollin.
Ep out soon, “The Meat Sweats” video, now out on YouTube.
**Rob plays Bass guitar in this project.
Ghoultown: (2009-2017)
Dark Western Southern Hellbilly Horror Rock from Dallas, Texas.
“Drink with the Living Dead” a video over 21 Million views on YouTube.
“Mistress of the Dark” video Featuring Elvira.
Toured North America and Europe.
Album performance credits:
“Life After Sundown” full length vinyl
“Ghost of the Southern Son” full length vinyl
Elvira “Mistress of the Dark” DVD and digi-pack CD
“Skeleton Cowboys” 7inch vinyl EP
Slick 57: (2005-2009)
East Dallas Roots Rockabilly
Album performance credits:
“Love, Lost, Exhaust” full length 2006
Winner of Best “Roots/Rockabilly” Dallas Observer 2006
Lucy Loves Schroeder: (1999-2004)
Female fronted pop-punk
Album performance credits:
“Lucy is a Band” full length 2002
“Dragon Lady” ep 2001
“The 7 Inch Jelly Fish” 7inch vinyl
Winner “Best New Artist” “Best Female Vocalist” Dallas Observer and Fort Worth Weekly.

3. Give me your interpretation of the Austin Music Scene of the past, present, and your hope for the future.
I moved to Austin officially in 2013, but living in Dallas since 99. I’ve played down here a handful of times whether it was for SXSW or the random one off Friday or Saturday night. I’ve seen the city grow as a whole for the past 20 years as an outsider and also since living here. I’ve been lucky enough to play legendary clubs that have since been shut down, re-opened or relocated, like the original Emo’s on sixth Street, Red Eyed Fly, Room 710 and trophies on Congress which is now C-boys. I think Austin currently has, an always will have a strong music scene, rich with history and the potential to keep thriving throughout the years to come.
Being a transplant and being a part of many scenes prior, and always feeling like I have a “late start” I understand and take into account that every city and Music scene has a past, and now we’re living in the present planning for the future.
Even though I’m not in my 20s anymore, it’s still good to have options. Any night of the week there’s an open mic, a song swap, or a live music jam, not to mention the touring bands that come through Austin on the weeknights on their way to the bigger markets like Houston or Dallas. One thing I love about this city is the abundance of live music going on whether it’s a alternative punk show on the Eastside, a touring country act downtown or an all local Sunday Funday show somewhere in the city. Yes the city and the scene goes through changes but it’s up to us to adapt to those changes, and make it your own. It’s obviously a Musician’s town, and there is some thing here for everybody. You just have to know where to look.

4. A.I. and music, your thoughts.
The movie HER and maybe an episode of Netflix’s Black Mirror come to mind. It’s only a matter of time. Live Theater went to motion picture to 3D then IMAX, virtual reality, now A.I.
When I was a kid, I would go to showbiz pizza and watch animatronic characters programed to move and interpret songs. You stare at something long enough it won’t be long before you believe it’s real.
Now that I’m an adult, these A.I. machines won’t be Bears in a hat playing guitar. When it’s done, it will be done right and sound like “the Artist.” I’m a drummer, machines have been replacing my job for a long time now. So much to where there are genres without actual live drummers. Some wedding and corporate gigs require an electric drum set to fit the venue or song list. As the machines progress, in time they will be the ones to take over. It’s like how landline went to cellphone, then to smartphone. Now everybody has a handheld device that does everything and an app for anything. Talking on the phone is the least used function of our smartphone. In the end, People will wonder who’s to blame? By that time it won’t matter because it’ll be too late.

5. What is the question you are never asked?
“Hey, can you play a little louder?”

Love this guy’s spirit and MAN, can he hit those drums. Two thumbs up from a rhythm section guy like me.
Cool read! Really nice guy too. Rock on Rob keep it real like you always do. Best of luck to you.
Rob is just a damn good guy and an incredible drummer. I have had the pleasure of hanging out and chatting with him many times.
Rob is simply a “drummers” drummer! Has all the moves, all the fancy stick tricks, The real deal. But he plays with a love and passion that most other drummers don’t have, never playing to get to that last song in order to go home for the night. Rather like a wild Mustang that has busted thru the fence to enjoy freedom for the weekend. One of the very best!
How interesting the course of your life ! Rod you are a good person and an incredible drummer ! It’s a pleasure chatting with you sometimes. I wish you the best of luck in your career as a drummer !!