You have a story to tell.

The Value of You

May 24, 2024. SEVEN will be released. The First magazine that allows those who make Austin the “Live Music Capital of the World” tell their story. Each quarter, musicians, promotors, sound/lighting engineers, venue owners, and fans will contribute to the success of others by sharing their insights and wisdom.

Each of us has knowledge and wisdom that, if shared, will help others from stumbling. You are a vital ingredient to the success of others. That is foundation of SEVEN. I believe this with all my heart and that is why I am creating this magazine about an environment that I have fallen in love with, music.

I have met many amazing people and have heard their stories. Others need to hear. Wisdom and knowledge are the greatest possessions anyone can possess. They are greater than gold and silver. But their value is only known if shared. SEVEN will be that vehicle to make known. Want to tell your story? Send me a note. I know that …..

You are a story worth telling.

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