Madam Radar – I heard a different band last night.

March 21, 2021 was the first time I ever saw or heard the Austin music group Madam Radar. Since that day, I have been and continue to be hooked. They have never disappointed giving everyone an experience. They are an experience. Last night, they were different. Last night, October 13, 2023 they played at the highest level I have ever seen or heard. Last night they not only owned the stage, they owned Austin.
It was during the third song that my mind knew they were different. They were professionals, for lack of a better word. I could see it, hear it and I captured it. But something else occurred that I would to share.
My hearing is not 100%, especially in crowds. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, I have a ringing (tinnitus) in my ears. I can hear bands play but to pick up on subtleties of a musician(s) talent is beyond my abilities. So when I say I heard something then you should know that something special happened. I heard their sound. I am still trying to wrap my mind around this moment, I am researching to determine how to describe it but it was there. I felt it.
The joy of following a musician or a band is to witness their evolution. These four have played together far longer than I have been in the live music arena but in my three years I have seen a steady progression up. I have evolved. Self-actualization for this band is occurring.
Madam Radar, Thank You for sharing your talent.

Thank you, Seven Pillars, for expressing my observations, thoughts and sheer joy of Madam Radar, far better than I could ever have.
I agree . Friday night at the Saxon , Madam Radar was on fire . Their show was mesmerizing . They are all such talented musicians & vocalist & they know how to connect with the crowd . What an amazing performance ! They are getting ready to soar . Well deserved .