Chris Reyna – A Man Who Keeps Good Company

June 19, 2021 finds me at the One-2-One. I am here to photograph Traces Left. An added bonus, I hear and fall in love with Tommy Elskes group. What I didn’t understand about Traces Left, I quickly found out. On both sides of Melody Parker, the lead singer, were two very moveable parts, Clint Parker and Chris Reyna. They were a workout for this photographer.
Lately, due to Traces Left moving out of town, I have seen more of Chris off-stage than on. I know this will soon change. Not only is this gentleman a fabulous bass player, he is a heck of a nice guy. He is also a firm supporter of Austin Live Music for off-stage, I have seen him at music events. I know he will be an asset to any band he is part of. I will let him tell you the exciting news. Chris, tell your story.

1). Who is Chris Reyna?
Native Texan born in Houston, but claims Austin Texas as home. Grew up with a permanent drum set, amps, and PA in living room due to having a father, who was a musician. Started as a drummer very early in life but once the teenage years hit, became a guitar player then eventually a bass player. Came to Austin with a band called Mudshow searching a better music scene. Landed a gig with a local ATX favorite 90s band called 7 Stones and toured 26 states in the nation. Some of y’all may recognize the singer of that band, local favorite Ray Prim. Had the pleasure of playing with the band Traces Left for five years until the band moved to North Carolina (recent).

2). Tell me about your projects.
Currently, I am learning tunes preparing to join Les Fisher and Kelly Dose as the bass player with the bands 3 Pc. & a Biscuit and Bakbonz. Very excited for this endeavor!

3). Give me your interpretation of the Austin Music Scene of the past, present, and your hope for the future.
When I came into the Austin scene in 1994 it was absolutely amazing! You didn’t have to be a major act to get on the radio or play bigger shows. Stations like 93.7 (especially with DJ’s Loris Lowe, Johnny Walker, and Dale Dudley) would spin our tunes and it didn’t even have to be three in the morning. Back when Sixth Street was actually at a place to see live music. Awesome clubs like Steamboat, The Black Cat, Babes Stage-side, The Ritz, and others rocked the house all night! After the 90s, especially in the early 2000s the scene seemed to subside. Unfortunately, not as friendly to local musicians. I have high hopes for the future! It seems that the scene for local musicians is really coming back! Clubs like The Saxon Pub, Come and Take it Live, Anderson Mill Pub, Kickbutt Coffee, Hanovers Draught Haus, Round Rock Tavern, and many other local hang outs are beginning to fill up and not just for cover bands.

4). A.I. and music, your thoughts.
When it comes to AI concerning music and musicians, my feelings are mixed. I can see where AI music generator algorithms used to generate music would be very helpful, especially for genres such as hip-hop, dance, etc. but when it comes to the musician, the potential loss of artistic expression, in my opinion, would be tragic!

5). What is the question you are never asked?
May I transfer $1 million to your bank account and fly you to Greece?