Sonny Wolf – He Never Fails to Deliver….
I have been photographing and listening to Sonny Wolf for over two years, primarily at his “Blues Residence”, Friends Bar on Sixth Street. There has never been a time that I felt he was having an off night. His performances are entertaining in several ways. His music, Blues and Rock, is played flawlessly. He is constantly moving, making photographing him fun. His performances are educational. I have learned so much about the blues just from his stories. From his shows, I know that Freddie King was a big influence to Stevie Ray Vaughn. Last night, March 13, 2023, a gentleman standing behind me commented that this musician, Sonny Wolf, was good. I replied, “Yes.”
Sonny Wolf, Pat Carpenter, and Nick Mallett make up the group. They have a tight sound. I have never been to a session where dancing did not occur. Sonny will often leave the stage and, occasionally, play to a woman dancing in front of him. Rock and/or Blues, this group brings them off the street. Last night, they played to a packed house. (Not an unusual occurrence.) Go see them. They will deliver the experience you are wanting.