A group of people playing music in a bar.

TGBAD – A Solid Foundation of Entertainment

Throw a dart at any Friday and I will predict with 100% accuracy that between the hours of 6pm – 7:30pm, The Saxon Pub will be packed with people dancing. Unless you arrive by 5pm, your chances of getting a seat at a table are slim. The reason, TGBAD – (Two Guitars, Bass and a Drum.)

From the first song to the last the floor has dancers, some I have become very familiar with. From their first note there is an energy in the room that doesn’t dissipate until they stop. They have created a following that would march into hell for a heavenly cause. They are not an “Impossible Dream”, this is the reality of what I see every Friday I attend. They are that good. I have never heard an off night. TGBAD should be a staple in your music museum.

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