Amanda Bauman – Authentic

The delay in this post was due to the fact that I did not have any recent photos of Amanda. Her going overseas and then getting COVID delayed another month. So, I was not going to mis November 10, 2023 at Parmer Lane Tavern. I have had only a few interactions with her but I have always known there was more to her than I was seeing. Last night affirmed, once again, the vast pool of incredible talent this city has to offer. Amanda, I am going to let you talk.

1). Who is Amanda Bauman?
That’s a deep question, Michael. I think I’m still discovering who I am – At my core, I’m British, despite having lived in Texas for more years than I lived in England. It’s an important part of my identity. My core values are authenticity, openness, and kindness. Authenticity is at the top because for decades I wasn’t authentic. I had molded myself into the persona that I thought society wanted me to be. I was a people pleaser, someone who shied away from conflict, someone who filtered who I was to make others comfortable. I had impostor syndrome, something I’m still working through. So, it took me far too long to take the leap into performing. When I did, my whole world opened up. I have always loved music. As a child, I somehow knew every word to every song in the top 40. I’d spend hours listening to songs, writing down the lyrics, and singing them to myself whenever I was alone. When I think back to where I felt safest, it was when I was actively engaged in the pursuit of music. But the talent was never really nurtured so it lay dormant for most of my adult life, just a secret desire to let it out.
Music has helped me become more me than I’ve ever been. In surprising ways. It could be a combination of age/wisdom, plus train wrecking a song on stage so bad that we just had to stop playing it, but I literally don’t care what people think anymore. The confidence I’ve gained from performing has seeped into other areas of my life, for example, public speaking for work – It used to be terrifying. Now I think nothing of presenting in front of hundreds of people. It’s also given me a family (I think of my bandmates as my siblings) and a community. The Austin music community has welcomed me, made me feel included, and inspired me in so many ways.

2). Tell me about your projects:
I only have one project. I sing lead vocals for Fusion. When I finally took the leap to perform vocals, I got on Craigslist and put together a band. We had one gig – my first-ever performance was at Darwin’s Pub on 6th Street in 2013. All my friends were there, but not many other people. We weren’t very good, but it was fun.
In 2014 Chuck Imperato, who I knew from working at IBM, asked me if I’d be interested in auditioning for his band Fusion. I remember my audition well. I sang 4 songs including Journey, Aretha, and ACDC. I felt an instant connection to the band members, thankfully they felt the same and chose me! My first gig with Fusion was in March 2014 – Almost 10 years ago, and they’ve let me sing with them ever since! I feel like it’s a privilege to get to play with such amazing musicians. I’m grateful that they took a chance on me. I had no experience and no stage presence. I’ve been working on both since then.
3). Give me your interpretation of the Austin Music Scene of the past, and present, and your hope for the future:
I’ve been part of the music scene as a fan since 1999. I started at Donn’s Depot listening to Donn, Murphy’s Inlaws, Albert and Gage, and Nash Hernandez Orchestra. I was a regular there for years – That was my intro to the Austin music scene. From there, I made other friends in numerous bands, supported and followed them. I feel like Austin’s lost its way a little now. As the self-proclaimed music capital of the world, you’d expect that a musician can make a living wage, but it’s simply not the case. Almost all of the musicians I know have full-time jobs, but I know we’d all rather just play music.
My hope for the future – Venues see the value of live music and what musicians bring and pay them accordingly. I’d like to not see bands falling over each other to land a $100 gig because they just want to play. Let’s raise the bar (pun intended).

4). A.I. and Music, your thoughts:
I’m a big fan of A.I – of technology in general. I do think we need guardrails to ensure we use A.I. ethically. I’d like to think it can enhance the human experience but it can’t replace it. We are living in interesting times where being an artist is accessible to everyone now thanks to technology. For example, digital photography and smartphones meant that everyone had a camera on them at all times. Filters and digital adjustments let you post-process it. But it doesn’t really take the place of a person with real skill – the eye for composition, the understanding of how light and shadows can sculpt a scene, a mood. That stuff can’t be emulated by tech. I think generative A.I. will be similar. I also think if you use generative A.I. to create a piece (whether it be visual, musical, a story, whatever), ethically we should be transparent about it.
5). What is the question you never get asked?
As long as I’ve been an adult (impersonating one) nobody has asked me what my favourite dinosaur is.
It’s an Ankylosaurus.
(Editor note: “Favourite” is the UK way of spelling “Favorite.” Amanda, you are still British to the core. This Texan is glad you are here.)

I might have been there for that audition with Fusion. Amanda is as nice as she is talented.
Glad to call her my friend!
Amanda, you are beautiful inside and out, and an inspiration to others. And I now know things about you that I never knew, and I’ve known you since school. So ‘Well done duck’.
And I can’t wait till see you play live when I’m over in September
Amanda makes the stage sing! She has the most beautiful voice and presence. Her face glows of love and harmony when on stage and off. She sings with perfection and makes the band fusion fuse together as one.